Innovative solutions

Bringing innovative ideas to life

As database designers, BitWise can bring to life all sorts of innovative ideas that, for others, may seem too difficult or impractical to implement. With his painting of Newton, William Blake reminds us to draw inspiration and innovation from art — not just science.

You’re #CuriousAboutData — so read on!

A career in technology is a problem-solving saga. There are problems everywhere, and everyone is looking to you to solve them.

No problem, hold my beer … errr compass.

At some point we move past trivial problems and start to encounter real orcs and goblins that challenge our problem solving skills.

Want to build a database that can handle millions of transactions per second? And it will have hundreds of job processors that will be claiming transactions simultaneously, and they will be reporting statuses back producing a new wave of transactions, and people will be glued to their monitors refreshing their dashboards to find out what happened with all this.

Or how about a system that adds hundreds of GBs of data every day? Does it all need to be active? What can be archived and when, and how?

Or, perhaps you have to change your transactional data in order to apply formulas that a financial regulator gave you? Can your data model handle it? Can we transfigure data from one model to another depending on the purpose?

The list goes on and on. To some it creates headaches, to others it can be an endless source of intellectual stimulation. If you’re in the latter category, please visit our new website at: where you can find information about all of the above and more. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Just drop us a line and we’ll get it out there.

Finding innovative solutions to advanced problems is just one area of specialization at BitWise.

P.S. : The word problem(s) appears 11x in this article. That’s how much we love them! Take it to 11!

We like people, so feel free to call or write. Humans only.

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