
This Is When You Know That You Must Have “Aliens In The Server Room!”

Servers are critical pieces of infrastructure, yet rarely get the maintenance and upkeep they require — and it always seems like WHEN they crash (not IF) — “no one” is at fault. This is when you KNOW that you must have “aliens in the server room!” You’re #CuriousAboutData, so read on!

People often only remember the importance of hardware when the server crashes. Users go beserk, and you start losing money instantly. In fact, your server is likely at risk if it’s 3 – 5 years old.

One of our jobs at BitWise is to provide therapy for our clients, or at least lend a sympathetic ear. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to hear a business owner or an IT director screaming: “Why is it that I’ve had X experts on these calls and no one yet can tell me what’s happened to my server?!”

Unfortunately, it happens. We live in the era of “no fault” culture. That’s fine, but still someone has to take responsibility.
That’s where BitWise comes in.

Once recent incident comes to mind: a distress call about a crashing SQL server.
A full stack developer and a sysadmin are on the line. No problem. A few diagnostic questions first:
“What’s in the OS logs?”
“Application logs?!”
“SQL logs?!!”
Not all questions had an answer. That’s most unfortunate.

If you don’t have logs you will always have aliens in your server room.

Not to worry, no one was fired or physically hurt. Since, at BitWise, we know what needs to be instrumented and how, we were able to set up everything for maximum visibility within a day.

Suddenly everything made sense. Whatever changes needed to happen were obvious. We’re done here. Happy end.
BitWise will teach you how to prevent “aliens” crashing your server in the first place.

We like people, so feel free to call or write. Humans only.

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